Colette Miller: An Exclusive Interview with A.I.M.O.
There are a few artists that specialize in painting/drawing wings and you clearly have your own voice in this category. Can you kindly...

Lala Abaddon: An Exclusive Interview with A.I.M.O.
Lala, I have been in awe of your work for some time now. How long does it take to generally finish one piece? Do you start a few at one...

Jonathan LeVine: An Exclusive Interview with A.I.M.O.
Jonathan, that eye of yours is spot on. I have been to the gallery countless times and each time I leave feeling excited about the body...

Kim Keever: An Exclusive Interview with A.I.M.O.
Art under water. Enough said yet I would like you to tell our audience about how you photograph the paint and ink within the water,...

Damien Mitchell: An Exclusive Interview with A.I.M.O.
What is your personal favorite subject matter to paint and why? Letters. First and foremost. Whenever I pick up a can or marker I'm...