Ant Carver: An Exclusive Interview with A.I.M.O.
Your art seems to combine street art and portraits. How did you find your niche and make it your own? Every time I see a piece pop up on my feed, I know that it is clearly yours.
I think my style comes from the two types of art that have inspired me the most. I started doing graffiti when I was about 13/14, but quite quickly realised letters weren’t really my thing so I started painting more character and figurative based work. Around the same time I started practicing painting portraits on canvas using oil paints. For a while I just painted portraits in a more traditional style, but then I started experimenting with combining the tags and colours with the detailed portraits and that’s led me to the style I have now. Over the years the tags that made up the backgrounds have become more loose and are now just abstract layers of colour, drips and smudges.

What is your preferred choice of medium? Any you are interested in trying but haven't yet?
My favourite mediums to work with are oil and spray paint. When I work outdoors I use acrylics rather than oils because of suitability, but oil paints are by far my favourites. I’ve always been interested in printmaking, so would like to try out different types of printing one day. To be honest I can’t see myself moving away from oil paints any time though!

Were you classically trained in Art?
No, I had some really good teachers at school that helped me with learning to paint during GCSE’S, but I’d say most of it has been trial and error.

What artists inspire you?
Conor Harrington, Rone, Jenny Saville, Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon.
What is next for you? I know you paint both outside and also show in galleries inside!
I have a few walls lined up to paint over the next few weeks. I’m also starting work for a new show next year, but that’s still in the early planning stages!

If our readers want to learn more about you, where can they view your work?
Either at or @antcarver on Instagram.